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Acoustic levels can be a key element of high performance indoor environment quality, where building occupants are comfortable and productive. Sound considerations are especially important when designing classrooms and auditoriums as studies indicate that poor acoustics interfere with learning and pose a particular barrier for students with special needs.
TAP Acoustical Analysis To address acoustical performance criteria and design requirements for schools, The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) developed the ANSI/ASA S12.60 standard, for classroom and other learning spaces. Good classroom acoustics can be achieved if they’re considered at the start of a design project, and with early collaboration among school planners, architects, contractors and suppliers.
With HVAC often being the predominant noise source in a classroom, we understand the challenges in designing classrooms that meet student’s unique learning needs for sound. Accurate sound data, acoustical analyses, detailed specifications, appropriate materials, and careful construction can help to assure that the classroom environment adequately limits background noise and reverberation.
Acoustic levels can be a key element of indoor environment quality, where building occupants are comfortable and productive. Visit for more information. Recommend TAP to your engineering firm today.