Engaging Students

Engaging Students

Using energy wisely is everyone's responsibility—even kids can make a difference! A Trane energy education program uses hands-on, interactive learning to help students of all ages explore ways to make their schools and homes more energy efficient.

Trane energy education programs engage students, teachers, parents and the surrounding community, while piquing interest in various science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers.

The BTU Crew™

The BTU Crew is an energy educational program on energy use and conservation in buildings, as well as science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers that are fun and can have a positive contribution to the environment. The program will give students the guidance and tools to make a difference in commercial and public buildings today. The curriculum can be customized to meet local needs, and while it can be adapted for older and younger students, it is targeted for those in grades 4–6.

Students learn about energy—what energy really is, how to conserve it, and related careers—along with ways that they can take action at school and at home.

Supporting materials make each lesson easy to teach, and the concepts are readily adaptable to suit the needs of students of virtually any age or ability.

Energy Dashboard

A fun, visually impactful and easy-to-use online tool brings the concepts of energy efficiency and sustainability into the classroom. Students learn about the dynamics of energy by getting involved in the design of dashboard metrics, then tracking results toward energy and carbon footprint goals. Our Energy Dashboard helps students gain an understanding of how their own everyday actions impact school energy consumption and the environment.