Acoustics Solutions

Holistic acoustical design expertise and solutions for productive, distraction-free indoor environments.


Why are Acoustics Important?

The acoustics in your building can have a significant impact on the way occupants function within your space. For example, quieter environments are typically more conducive to focus, while recent studies have shown that louder environments with moderate levels of ambient noise can improve comprehension and creativity.1 Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and identifying the best acoustic design enhancements for your building requires a holistic approach.

The Science of Acoustical Control

Silence is a science. Even the quietest places on earth produce some level of sound. When it comes to low-frequency equipment noise, like the rumble of a chiller or the hum of an active air duct, reducing sound becomes a challenging physics problem. That’s why Trane’s acoustical engineers are always innovating new, noise-conscious products to perform when buildings need quiet.

What are the Benefits of Improved Acoustical Design?

Holistically improving your acoustical design can benefit your people and your business in a variety of ways, from occupant well-being and productivity to supporting your bottom line. Here are the primary benefits of improved acoustical design:

  • Maximize revenue
  • Stimulate productivity
  • Foster creativity
  • Enhance cognition1
  • Streamline communication
  • Protect occupant privacy

How do you Monitor Building Acoustics?

HVAC systems account for a large portion of sound inside a building. Trane’s acoustical experts use state-of-the-art data analytics to monitor your current HVAC acoustics and anticipate how that sound might travel into occupied spaces throughout your facility. As a part of our holistic approach, we’ll help you maximize those data insights in other areas of your building, like sound-reducing architectural features, construction materials and more.

3D Printing

Minimizing Noise

From low-speed fans to wall sound barriers, there are a range of solutions to reduce HVAC equipment noise. Based on an initial assessment of your system, its operating environment and the amount of noise you’d like to reduce, we can determine which solution will work best for your circumstances.

Woman Printing on a Plot Machine

Regulating Noise

Noise control isn’t just noise reduction. Because while a surgical suite or performing arts center may require silence, office workers and students may benefit from moderate ambient sounds, like white noise.1 For each space, we’re committed to offering system-level controls that help achieve the right balance of sounds.

How Trane Can Help

Achieving better sound requires minimizing uncertainties as the building is designed. Trane is an industry leader in providing accurate, comprehensive acoustical data for our products and system designs within the built environment. Quiet products are only the beginning of Trane’s scientific approach to building acoustics.

Featured Acoustics Solutions

Trane’s acoustical engineers are constantly experimenting with new technologies to achieve better sound. Explore our commercial acoustics solutions below.

Man Running Accoustics Testing

Trane Acoustics Program

Trane Acoustical Program analysis software empowers you to accurately predict and compare HVAC sound levels from current and alternative systems. The program can be used to meet LEED® for Schools EQ Prerequisite 3 and EQ Credit 9.

View & Download Program
Lab Workers Looking at a computer

Ascend® Air-Cooled Chillers Model

Widely regarded as one of the quietest chillers in the world, Trane’s Ascend® Model ACR combines energy-efficient performance with innovative noise-reduction technology to maximize efficiency and reduce energy costs – all without disrupting your operation.

Explore Ascend® Air-Cooled Chillers

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