In the hospitality business details matter—including indoor air quality. We can work with you to create an ambient experience that helps define your brand, with calming thermal consistency and vibrant fresh air. Our latest control systems make it easier to manage temperature, humidity and air quality everywhere: in guest rooms, kitchens, conference centers, swimming pools, spas and restaurants…while working on reducing carbon impact.

Let’s find cost savings in your energy strategy
In formulating an effective energy strategy, the key is understanding whether the way energy is being used is enabling business goals or detracting from them. Reducing energy cost might mean upgrading inefficient HVAC equipment, but it could also mean simply implementing more strategic control in deregulated markets, this often means evaluating energy sourcing and suppliers and shopping for better pricing. We can even help you implement thermal energy storage to shift some demand away from peak rates. Trane offers a holistic approach to managing your energy supply and demand.