
Achieving More and Spending Less: Connected Building Benefits on a Budget

There are ways to make your building more like a smart building using the HVAC equipment and controls you have right now.

Fully connected digital technologies make buildings better for people, the planet, and the bottom line. Not quite ready to make that time and capital investment? Start smaller.

1. Reset settings for better function.

At first, the temperature settings and schedules met the design specifications. Over time, people probably changed settings to serve short-term needs and forgot to turn them back. That’s called an override, and they run up energy costs.

2. Cultivate sustainability

Occupancy and use patterns have probably changed in recent years. Running systems full-on in an empty building wastes energy and results in excess emissions.

3. Modernize your approach.

HVAC isn’t what it used to be. Progress has been made relating to area control, demand management, optimal start/stop and more so that you can maximize your HVAC energy efficiency. 

4. Use the hidden data that comes with your energy bill.

A lot of big and small things play into your monthly energy bill: when energy is used, who’s providing it, and in-house factors. (Did someone forget to turn off the lights?) There are many ways to reduce energy costs if you know how to interpret the monthly data.

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