K-12 Education

K-12 HVAC and STEM Solutions for Schools

Funding, building and education solutions for better schools.

There are many considerations when creating the best strategy for your federal funding and infrastructure investments. Decisions made around school improvement grants will affect your building and students for years to come, so you need not only a plan, but a partner you can consult with and depend on. With Trane’s guidance and custom, school-specific solutions, you can create an ideal learning environment that’s more low-carbon, energy-efficient and healthy.


K-12 101 & 201 Series: Quick Lessons for Educational Leaders

Our 101 Series provides quick introductions to important trending topics. It has never been more important, or more doable, to make schools better for students today and the planet tomorrow.

Our 201 Series delves into some innovative ways that school buildings can embody STEM in action, and why you probably don’t need a bigger budget to level up on your environmental responsibilities. This series follows up on our 101 Series which explored the fundamentals of Energy Services, Decarbonization and Funding HVAC projects for education.


Building Services for K-12

Schools can’t afford to be too hot, too cold or to shut down. At Trane, we can help solve future problems in the present. Trane has the expertise and technology to help you stay ahead of the curve. Our solutions are here to optimize your building’s performance, enabling you to focus on the education and livelihood of your students and staff. Learn more about our expertise, intelligent systems and solutions to optimize your facility now.

Operate, Maintain & Repair
The best surprise is no surprise—partner with Trane to upgrade your building systems to keep you at the top of the class. 

Operate, Maintain & Repair

Upgrade & Modernize 
Real-time expertise and intelligent systems that optimize performance, anticipate issues and keep you on top of maintenance.

Upgrade & Modernize



Energy Services for Schools

Surpass energy and operational challenges with expert consultation.

The effectiveness of everything from classroom HVAC units to lighting is heavily tied to energy efficiency. Trane’s energy services meet your school where it is with tailored, data-driven strategies through a four-part approach of guided consultation:

  • Collect data around your unique needs and circumstances
  • Assess your goals, drivers and limiters through thoughtful questions
  • Advise on custom solutions to get you to your desired outcomes
  • Deliver validated results that will continue to offer sustainability and profitability 


Federal Funding for School Upgrades

Achieve the greatest ROI for your funds before they expire.

Even with quickly approaching expiration dates, you can still create a spending plan with government grants for more resilient facilities and supportive and safe learning. Whether ESSER, CRRSA, ARP or entirely different funds, Trane offers expert support in allocating them towards: 

  • HVAC (Heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems and other upgrades
  • Deferred maintenance
  • Air quality and holistic indoor environmental quality (IEQ)
  • Student well-being
  • Energy efficiency
  • And much more


Indoor Environmental Quality for Schools

Create a better, safer school environment.

IEQ For Schools             Get Smart Webinar Series            

Understand and achieve your school’s indoor environmental quality (IEQ) needs with WellsphereTM, a holistic approach to building and student wellness. Made up of world-class experts, products and services, it helps you optimize your school for greater comfort and learning through Trane's three-step “Assess, Mitigate and Manage” process across:

  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Thermal Comfort
  • Lighting
  • Acoustics

STEM Education for Schools

Carve a pathway to high-demand careers.

Seamlessly integrate hands-on energy education into your curriculum and prepare students for careers in STEM fields with what your building already offers. Trane’s STEM programs help turn your building features - like the HVAC systems used in your school - into living learning labs that empower students to develop real-world skills and have an impact through:

  • Lessons around energy efficiency, alternative energy, environmental sustainability and more
  • Career Technical Education (CTE)
  • Industry-Recognized Certification Opportunities
  • Elementary, Middle & High School Programs

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