Four phases of Retrocommissioning
July 14, 2016

There are steps you can take to minimize the impact summer’s increased demand has on your building, even on the hottest days. Equipment is often called upon to run at maximum load in the summer, uncovering “hidden” deficiencies in your building that are masked other times of the year. Retrocommissioning equipment and systems is one way you can keep your building performing optimally.
There are four main phases that help produce successful outcomes:
Planning Phase: The planning phase starts with selecting the facility or project and defining the project objectives. Assembling a retrocommissioning team, documenting current operating conditions and requirements, and any initial site walk-through also happen in the planning phase.
Investigation Phase: This involves reviewing facility documentation, performing diagnostic monitoring and functional tests, and also performing simple repairs that can be done without a large investment. The information from these tests and reviews can be used to develop a master list of findings, followed by prioritization and selection of the operational improvements to be conducted or deselected for the next phase.
Implementation Phase: The implementation phase starts with development of the plan for performing the actions selected from the investigation phase, followed by implementation of the selected improvements. Verifying the results of the implementation is also important to the process.
Hand-off Phase: Includes developing a final report and compiling a systems manual. Providing training for building maintenance and operations staff helps ensure the initial improvements and possible savings will persist after the project is completed. Monitoring and verifying the results will help document energy savings and provide the basis and support for establishing a regular schedule for existing building commissioning follow-up.
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