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Discover which experts from Trane will be presenting and what topics they will cover at the upcoming ASHRAE Winter Conference and AHR Expo
Episode 2
Why has the U.S. PK-12 school facilities’ funding gap increased to a staggering $85 billion a year — when the learning environment is more critical than ever — and what can be done about it?
Join Mary Filardo, Executive Director of the 21st Century School Fund and Rachel Hodgdon, CEO of the International Well Building Institute®, as they delve into their organizations’ 2021 State of Our Schools Report.
Mary and Rachel look inside America’s classrooms to lay out the whys and wherefores behind this massive shortfall, its significant impact on learning and the enormous payoff that addressing school facility infrastructure needs can provide:
Learn why the state of our schools is a national emergency, what can be done to change that – and how even a single voice can successfully drive change.
Download the 2021 State of Our Schools Report released by the 21st Century School Fund, the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) and the National Council on School Facilities and sponsored by Trane.
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